donderdag 18 oktober 2012


Everybody wants to take pictures of such a wunderful lake and show at home that they have seen it with their own eyes.

The Glaciers lie there majistically and forever while the Canadian Mountain Police like puppets on the lake exercises canoeing.

How vulnarable and small look these people on the dry sandplates at the end of the lake between the huge mountains. 

I don't now what is more impressive, the colourful lake or the giant mountains with their woods enclosing the lake so tenderly.

It looks like a sacred place of white dead trees in milky-white water that never should be disturbed by men.

With the giant mountains behind  the man made hotel looks as it is not more than a small toy. 

The light of the sky, the colours of the lake with its refelections, the tenderness of the trees and the rugged mountian compose together a harmonious picture of inner silence, peace and resignation.

In the afternoon light the lake becomes a magic mirror in which I become part of something bigger than myself.
Lake Louise lies in the Banff National Park which is part of the Canadian Rockies.

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